“What do I look for when I’m hiring a home stager?” Scrolling through my YouTube comments recently, I came upon this question yet again. I love this question. It shows that viewers understand that they need to stage their home before selling and are ready to take the...
The Reading Nook
Three-Must Do Home Maintenance Projects to Complete This Fall
With each new season comes a new chance to complete that long list of home projects that has accumulated over the past year. Instead of looking at that list as an obligation, drum up the enthusiasm to perceive it as an opportunity given the value that these projects...
A Top-Ranked, Home Staging YouTube Channel
Tune in to see world-class industry experts, detailed how-tos, and get business insights exclusively dedicated to the home staging industry. Our production team strives on creating quality educational content that will allow us to share industry news while highlighting the importance home staging has during the real estate process. We’re working with industry leaders and contributors to demystify the home staging process to ensure the home staging industry is a real estate standard when it comes time to sell a property.